SITE INSTALLED – University, Queensland
SPECIES – Pigeons
EAGLE EYES – Two Solar powered Eagle Eyes and one Eagle Eye RED
RESULTS – Up to one hundred pigeons would nest and roost on the copper roof causing extensive mess and damage to roof and floor areas. A few pigeons remain, however, this has been a stunning success.
Site: Atlantic boat club, Cape Town, South Africa
Problem birds: Seagulls, Cormorant.
Testimony: Hundreds of seagulls and cormorants were using the jetty and boats for perching and roosting.
The walkway became slippery and dangerous as a result of the droppings and the yachts were a mess
After installing one red Eagle Eye significant decreases in numbers were noticed and now the problem is solved completely.
We can recommend the use of Eagle Eye for removal of seagulls and cormorants in similar applications.
In Australia, numerous successful installations in marinas have been undertaken in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA for the reduction of seagull and cormorants.